
Currently in the UK one in three will get cancer in their lifetime . It’s expected to go up to almost one in two by 2020 (47%). [Macmillan]

We all have cancer cells in our bodies, it’s just that some of us are naturally able to get rid of the cancer cells before it becomes a problem whilst others are not. Why not? We don’t know.

What we do know is that the the Placebo effect exists. It’s an amazing scientific fact about the human potential. We just haven’t discovered how it works yet.

I believe there has to be a ‘recipe’ for the placebo effect. It’s based on the Performance Equation I use with clients (I’m a behavioural change specialist). For more information on me visit my website.


Many years ago, on a course, we were told that the mind created all illnesses. That a disease was an internal ‘dis’ ‘ease’, a discomfort, a disconnect. We were also told of Dr Hammer and his theory of cancer and thereafter how cancer could be cured.

At the time I was excited (because of what that meant for my sister, she had had cancer the year before) but also sceptical because if it was true why were people dying of cancer? Surely if it worked people would be singing from the rooftops!

That was well over a decade ago. Since then I have collected many gems of information from trusted credible friends about alternative cures to cancer that may help my sister. They are in the Cancer Cures section.  The second time she got cancer, in a hurried frenzy, I read through all of them and put together an early version of Sisters Advice. It was just my best guess of what I read.

For years I  wanted to get a TV show commissioned, Your Secret Mind, to share the different cures and to give the opportunity to cancer patients to try them. There were three key reasons for this:

  1. Cancer patients would have another option, more choice and thereby more hope.
  2. Those watching the TV show would be aware of the additional options and would get a chance of evaluating them in a relaxed environment (preparation for a crisis is one of the best resilience there is).
  3. I wanted to learn more about cancer patients and these cancer cures so that I could better help my sister (this is because I saw a clear pattern in the character type of my sister, auntie and cousin who had all had cancer…and no one was looking at character types and cancer).

The show was to have had a supporting website (imagine Amazon, Wikipedia, and Facebook all rolled into one, where the ‘products’ are the claimed cancer cure techniques/foods or placebo techniques). Something that the users could rate how valuable it was. So that over time there would be a brilliant store of valuable information of: what works best; for whom; going through a specific challenge… so that new users would benefit from past experience and build upon it.

The summer of 2014 I finally gave up the TV idea because of a newly found knowledge of website development and this site was born.

It was originally intended to share information in the hope that it will help others as well as elevating our understanding of the human potential (I was hoping people would get back to me of their experience).

However something else happened. There had been something niggling me about these alternative cures to cancer for a while, mainly because some have conflicting theories. Many of the sources were credible (published and/or doctors) yet all their theories could not be true. This ‘niggle’ solidified whilst writing this site with a eureka thought:

“What if these cures to cancer that doctors have published books on cure cancer because of the placebo effect?”

The Placebo effect exists that is a scientific fact. We just haven’t discovered how it works yet.

I work with people to help them to change their behaviour.  I believe there has to be a ‘recipe’ for the placebo effect. It’s based on the Performance Equation I use with clients. For more information on me visit my website.

Once this recipe is discovered then logically it should be possible to apply it to cure cancer or even potentially preventing cancer from being a problem. That surely it’s just a question of time, experimentation and perseverance.



A placebo has no active ingredient. It maybe a pill, liquid, injection or indeed a treatment that looks like a real medical treatment. It’s usually used as a control in an experiment or test to determine the effectiveness of a medicinal drug.

The placebo effect is the positive health consequence (sometimes even ‘cure’) of taking a placebo . They are considered by some as miracle wonder of the capacity of the mind and by others as ‘dummies’ something of no intrinsic remedial value that is used in clinical trials and/or to appease or reassure another.

However, the fact is that no matter what label one puts on it, the placebo effect exists.

Placebo Response: Some call it the placebo response because it’s the human body responding in a positive way to a placebo.

It has been documented in a variety of books in the past and my current favorite account of the placebo is the Horizon episode 8. The Power of the Placebo first broadcast on BBC Two, 9pm on 17th February 2014. Mainly because it  shows the physiological benefits of the placebo. Indeed Irvin Kirsch, Associate Director of the Program in Placebo Studies and a lecturer in medicine at the Harvard Medical School, is on there saying:

“It’s real and quantifiable, in fact you are doing quite well in active therapy if you’re getting a response as good as a placebo response”

It also highlights that deception is not necessary however the quality of the relationship between the practitioner and patient is. Bottom line is they have shown that the placebo taps into our natural pharmacy, our brains ability to create chemicals.

The key elements (Placebo Response Elements) as explained on the show, other books as indeed other areas are below:

  1. Transparency: many believe deception is required for it to work, is is not so, a placebo response still happens when the participant knows they are being given a placebo. There have been a number of experiments that have shown this is not so, including Ernest Lawrence Rossi, PhD, in his book The Psychobiology of Mind-Body Healing and Prof Ted Kaptchuk, Harvard Medical School.
  2. Improved Performance: Dr Chris Beadie has done over a decade of experiments on athletes discovering a 2-3 % improvement in performance through placebo. It may seem small to us but in professional cycling it’s a substantial difference: it can be difference between first place and not being in the top ten. He likens it to a car going faster without using more petrol.
  3. Neurobiological Effect: Prof. Fabrizio Benedetti, University of Turin, research shows real chemical changes in the body because of the placebo. (Pod casts of his work can be found on this link: Brain Science PodCast website)
  4. Natural Pharmacy: Prof Tor Wager’s research, University of Colorado shows how the Placebo taps into our natural pharmacy, the brains ability to create the chemicals it needs.
  5. Expectation is key: different research has shown that because it’s all about expectations even size, shape and color  of a placebo tablet can affect how well it works: capsules are more effective than tablets; large capsule better than smaller capsule; more expensive is more effective than cheaper medication; color makes a difference: red better for pain; blue better for anxiety (unless you’re Italian male – Italian football colours and the effect that has!)
  6. Hypnosis: Prof Irving Kirsch, Harvard Medical School suggests there is a lot of overlap between hypnoses and placebo they are based on: belief, expectation and suggestion.
  7. Relationship: Proff Ted Kafchukti’s research suggest a 20%  increase (42 %->62%) in the results where practitioners are caring, warm, supportive as possible: asking about life, the effect on life expressing empathy, touching the patient, silences showing thoughtfulness, show confidence in treatment.
  8. Tip of the Iceberg: the American Cancer Society description of the placebo effect was the best I had found (to date of the cancer charities, or indeed the web) because of its scope, accuracy, thoroughness and ease of understanding. Included in there is a very interesting fact which suggests that what we have yet discovered could be the tip of the iceberg of our potential to heal ourselves: in The Expectation Effect section, it shares findings of a study of people with Alzheimer’s disease: that they required higher doses of medicine than others to relieve pain! One can’t help but wonder:  Could it be that all clinical trials (in the placebo trial or otherwise) are subject to the placebo response? How can it not? We take our expectations and past experiences everywhere we go, unless we have brain damage!

Additional to the placebo response there are other skills humans have that have yet to be understood how they work…and are likely to be connected to the placebo response and/or our deeper understanding of these areas could perhaps shed light as to how the placebo effect works.

Nocebo response: the opposite to the placebo response, it’s the negative response to an inert substance and/or procedure. There is some very interesting information about it of which my personal favourite is Worried Sick by Megan Scudellari on The Scientist website.

Pygmalion/Rosenthal Effect: the greater the expectation placed upon people the better their performance.

Hawthorne Effect: knowledge of being studied/measured on a behaviour has subjects improve/modify it. Productivity is effected only while being measured.

Experimenter Effect (Observer Effect): researcher(s) unconsciously influencing the participants of an experiment. Controlled by double bind experimental design.

Mind to Muscle: a scientific study which concluded “…mental training employed by this study enhances the cortical output signal, which drives the muscles to a higher activation level and increases strength.”

Recently I decided to expand the research to everything that involved influence and/or unexplainable behaviour, of course one of these was obviously Spontaneous Remission. “Spontaneous remission of cancer has been reported in almost every type of cancer.” What a find!

Well that was until I discovered the Spontaneous Remission: An Annotated Bibliography by Caryle Hirschberg and Brendan O’Regan.  A book with the largest database of medically reported cases of spontaneous remission in the world, with more than 3,500 references from more than 800 journals in 20 different languages. . An abundant pot of gold for humanity!

I am now in the process of collating all that expanded research (and trying to put it into a meaningful, and easily digestible, structure). So that it can be practically useful…and I had to share The Institute of Noetic Sciences and Spontaneous Remission straight away…because sometimes we just need to know something is truly possible to make it happen.

The mind is an amazing thing. The secret of unlocking our natural ability to heal ourselves is still just that, a secret, at the moment. However I am sure that if we can identify the variables of the Performance Equation then we will uncovering the recipe for the placebo effect.

Cancer Cures

The list below is of alternative seemingly credible cancer cures from trusted contacts I have collected for my sister.  (It’s from this list that I created the first version of Sisters Advice.):

Dr Hamer shows the direct link between cancer and negative emotions. His work is not recognised by the general medical world though suppressed anger and breast cancer has been linked in conventional studies, as anger and cancer generally also.

Hamers theory is that a Significant Emotional Event (SEE) causes a blackening in a specific part of the brain then 12-18 months after the SEE cancer appears in the body – the location of the blackening of the brain and subsequent cancer in the body are related to the SEE. He has created a chart that shows explicitly what the SEE was for the type of cancer and how long ago it happened.

Additional Information

I have recently come across Guyabano Cancer Cure (also known as anona, fruit conde, sour sop, guanabana, graviola). There is a lot of information on the web about its miraculous properties for curing different cancers. I haven’t found any books published on it but did find this Psychology Today article.

Mangosteen is another new discovery there seems to be interesting though inconsistent information on the web the CancerTutor website suggests it can cure cancer and cites research, though the American Cancer Society website states this is not so, though do say that mangosteen is ‘rich in anti-oxidants’ and that that ‘Early small laboratory and animal studies suggest that further research should be done to determine whether it can help to prevent cancer in humans’. At least that’s what they had on their website in 2015, it seems to have been removed with no reference to previous piece (it was on http://www.cancer.org/treatment/treatmentsandsideeffects/complementaryandalternativemedicine/pharmacologicalandbiologicaltreatment/mangosteen-juice if you try and go to it now you’ll get a redirection)! However because of this and thanks to Google Ive discovered the original document from 2015, Mangosteen Juice, on issuu :o)

Noni is another that some claim to cure cancer. Yet I have not found a credible websites that backs this for humans. The American Cancer Society website in 2015 stated that there is some evidence of positive effects in animals but no such trials have been done in humans. Unfortunately it also seems to have been removed. (Originally it was at http://www.cancer.org/treatment/treatmentsandsideeffects/complementaryandalternativemedicine/dietandnutrition/noni-plant).  However thanks to PubMed I did find this brilliant piece of research, Cancer preventive effect of Morinda citrifolia (Noni): “Morinda citrifolia (Noni) has been extensively used in folk medicine by Polynesians for over 2,000 years. It has been reported to have broad therapeutic effects, including anticancer activity, in both clinical practice and laboratory animal models…“!!!

I recently came across an amazing article in the New Scientist , Hot, toxic and healing, about a doctor, William Coley, in the late 1800’s using fever therapy. He wasn’t the creator of the therapy but was the first to do it systematically. Infecting a patient with bacteria to help cure cancer! Some patients died but he was successful enough to have people call it “Coley’s toxins”. Apparently the success of those results (higher than higher than 80 per cent five year survival) have not be achieved by current medicine! Thereafter with some research its become clear that in some circles this information is well known and from very credible scientific sources (including numerous articles in the New Scientist, American Scientist, BBC…!  Though they vary in their opinion of the comparison to current day results there is acceptance that triggering the immune system works!! Also found this article in The Saturday Paper, Cancer-eating bacteria a throwback to old-time medicine. Thereafter discovered Cancer Fever Therapy by Prof.Dr. Uwe Hobohm, University of Applied Sciences, Bioinformatics, Wiesenstrasse 14, 35390 Giessen, Germany!

I have also just discovered, on youtube, Dr. Leonard Coldwell who claims to be able to cure cancer within 2-6 weeks with a combination of increasing the alkaline of the blood and large doses of Vitamin C injections! If you are doing it yourself he recommends the vegan/raw food diet and a gallon of water with 1/2 teaspoon of seasalt a day, it has to be sea salt because apparently table salt has bad things in it including glass!! He seems to have a credible website with lots of great information in it for free and also seems to claim Vitamin B17, Laetrile (naturally found in apple pips and apricot kernels) cures cancer in his ‘Only Answer to Cancer‘ document. There seems to be a lot of information on the brilliant properties of Vitamin C including this by Dr. Thomas Levy (he also includes many others on the link). Though Linus Pauling, who won the Nobel Prize twice, seems to have been the first to connect Vitamin C with curing cancer as indeed for heart disease and Aids!

Laetrile (also known as Nitriosides, Amygdalin and Vitamine B17) seems to be rather interesting. This rather old recording  got my attention (and is worth watching to get a good context for the history of medicine as well as information on Laetrile): ‘G. Edward Griffin – A World Without Cancer – The Story of Vitamin B17’. Below is a list of current research which clearly shows benefit of Laetrile:

  1. August 2014: In a new German study, Amygdalin dose-dependently reduced growth and proliferation of bladder cancer
  2. May 2013: Amygdalin inhibits renal fibrosis in chronic kidney disease; researchers conclude it is a “potent antifibrotic agent that may have therapeutic potential for patients with fibrotic kidney diseases”
  3. February 2013: Amygdalin induces apoptosis in human cervical cancer cells; authors conclude it may offer a new therapeutic option for cervical cancer patients
  4. August 2006: Amygdalin also induces apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells
  5. February 2003: Amygdalin from Prunus persica seeds (peach pits) shows anti-tumor effects comparable to epigallocatechin gallate in green tea

These five references were found on Dr Mercola’s website and he has some very interest information about how it was discovered as indeed covered up.

Asparagus seems to be another wonder food with positive medical researched results from China. Though you might want to keep and blend the bottom part that we usually throw away because of this particular medical research from India.

This list has grown a lot because of peoples feedback. If you know of a claimed cure that has scientific evidence behind it do get in touch.

Sisters Advice

When my sister got cancer the second time I read everything I could get my hands on that looked credible and made her a list of good stuff and bad stuff.
Please note I got this information from numerous books and because of inconsistent theories/information I have had  to make choices that I may have got wrong, even so, it’s the best I have at the moment (in no particular order and with some overlaps):

Good stuff:

  • Antioxidants:Vit A, C, E + Selenium (must have Vit E with Selenium for absorption). Naturally: cruciferous (cabbage, broccoli, sprouts, cauliflower); and carotore rich (spinach, carrots); wheat germ, bran, tuna, onions, tomatoes [Please note: I have just in read, Bad Science by Ben Goldacre, that there is research that shows, contrary to popular belief, that antioxidant supplements may actually may have a negative effect on health!! I nearly deleted this whole page because of it! However, I have decided to add this note instead with my personal ‘take-out’ which is: its probably best to stick to as natural a product as possible and in the main keep away from ‘processed’ foods/supplements.]
  • Cancer patients are deficient in: Vit A, E, D, C
  • Good to eat: garlic, ginger, cabbage, carrots, celery, cilantro, parsley, parsnips, onions, linseed (golden linseed, flaxseed is the richest source of Lignans), citrus, turmeric, broccoli, sprouts, cauliflower, tomatoes, peppers, brown rice, whole wheat, asparagus, Guyabano, Noni
  • Meditation
  • Relaxation
  • Green leafy veg
  • High in dietary fibre
  • Omega 3&6
  • Water with as high ph as possible (highest discovered to date is 7.8 ph, SuperValu Valley Spring 5 Lire in my local Budgens but unfortunately I havent been able to find it in the web).

Bad stuff:

  • Stress
  • Carcinogens: smoking; alcohol
  • Meat
  • no Vit C if radiation or chemotherapy
  • plastic products (eg water in plastic bottles)

The Gerson institute and Hulga Regehr Clark are the two I would personally turn to if I was ever diagnosed with cancer (as well as doing most of the above).

Please note: since this was put together I have discovered many other people who seem credible and claim to have cancer cure solutions. They are all in the Cancer Cures section.